domenica 12 giugno 2016


"Travellers in transit"

... io la sera mi addormento
e qualche volta sogno
perché voglio sognare

E nel sogno stringo i pugni
tengo fermo il respiro
e sto ad ascoltare

Qualche volta sono gli alberi d'Africa
a chiamare
altre notti sono vele piegate
a navigare

Sono uomini e donne
e piroscafi e bandiere
viaggiatori viaggianti
da salvare

Delle città importanti
io mi ricordo Milano
livida e sprofondata
per sua stessa mano...

da "I treni a vapore" di Ivano Fossati dall'album "Dal vivo vol.I - Buontempo" - 1993 

"I treni a vapore" - Decadancing tour 2012

Camera Fuji X-E1, lens Fuji XF 18-55mm, pp Lightroom CC & Silver Efex Pro 2

mercoledì 1 giugno 2016

Lago nero

"Black lake"

Our love was my womb
But our bond has broken
My shield is gone
My protection is taken
I am one wound
My pulsating body
Suffering being
My heart is enormous lake
Black with potion
I am blind
Drowning in this ocean
My soul torn apart
My spirit is broken
Into the fabric of all
He is woven
You fear my limitless emotions
I am bored of your apocalyptic obsessions
Did I love you too much
Devotion bent me broken
So I rebelled
Destroyed the icon
I did it for love, I honored my feelings
You betrayed your own heart
Corrupted that organ
Family was always our sacred mutual mission

Which you abandoned
You have nothing to give
Your heart is hollow
I'm drowned in sorrows
No hope in sight of ever recover
Eternal pain and horrors
I am a glowing shiny rocket
Returning home
As I enter the atmosphere
I burn off layer by layer

Björk "Black lake" taken from the album "Vulnicura"

Camera Fuji X-E1, lens Fuji XF 18-55mm, pp Lightroom CC & Silver Efex Pro 2